In Thailand we normally cook sticky rice by steaming , it is fairly simple. The sticky rice has to be soaked for at least 2 hrs. or overnight, Then simply boil water in a metal steamer pot and steam the pre-soaked sticky rice on top in a bamboo basket, covered with a lid.
Somehow, I managed to make it easier than that, also turns out extremely delicious.
Microwave oven method, Place 2 cup of sticky rice in a glass bowl add 2 1/4 cups water cover the bowl with a dish and cook in microwave for 5 minutes.
Stir the rice around to move the rice from the top to the bottom, continue cooking 5 more minutes, Remove from the microwave.
Observe the rice, if you see dark white inside some rice grains, It is not yet fully cooked, The rice it might be too dry you can sprinkle water about 1 tablespoon in it, Stir well put back in microwave for 2 minutes or more, Depending on the microwave heat.
When it's ready the rice seems to be soft, sticky and crystal like, Then stir all around, Close the lid and let sit for 5 minutes before serving.