
วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Chicken green curry

 The green curry is usually eaten with rice or with round rice noodles known as "Khanom chin" It can be made with all kinds of meat, The more popular ones are made with beef, pork, chicken, and fish ball.
This simple green curry is easy to make and is delicious. However, I used boiled green beans and heart of palm instead of egg plant.


200 grams chicken breast cut into bite size pieces
1 cup heart of palm cut into bite size pieces
1 cup boil green beans, cut inti 1 inch. pieces
1/2 cup Thai basil leaves
2 tablespoons green curry paste

1 can coconut milk (400ml.)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon fish sauce
1 cube chicken broth mix

Preparing bush beans, heat water in a pot, Bring it to a boil, Add green beans, Low the heat to medium simmer for about 3 minutes remove from heat.
Drain the hot water, Submerge into very cold water immediately, soak them 5 minutes to stop cooking the beans and keep the color green.

 Preheat coconut milk in a pot over medium high heat, bring it to boil, Add green curry, pork broth mix cube, salt, brown sugar, Stir well, Add chicken and submerge it in coconut milk.

Turn the heat to med-low and simmer, cook for about 5 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.

Add heart of palm, green beans and fresh Thai basil leaves stir well cook it for 1 more minute. before remove form heat.

